No matter the size of the company, the number of mines, or the size of the operation, some form of mining software is required to aid in the tracking of daily activities. Whether it’s tracking 2-50 haul trucks and their availability and usage, or Safety Incidents and ESG metrics for monthly and annual required reporting, every mining organization must provision software specific to those activities to track and store the necessary data.
It may happen that you’re operating a smaller operation, and shelling out the large sticker price for a mobile fleet tracker is counter-productive. Perhaps you would gain time savings, but the costs are excessive, and there may be more features than you need. In another case, you’re required to report on ESG framework metrics across your multiple entities, yet the one or two products available for this kind of data management just aren’t suitable for your needs. For example, that software may not give you visibility into your operations data to collect the ESG metrics that are already being tracked as part of daily operational procedures.
The Jump Mine Analytics Playbook offers solutions to these problems with a suite of tools that facilitate data collection and governance, as well as integration with most of your IT and OT software, all at a much more digestible cost. In addition to providing greater levels of automation in data collection (ESG, for example), the integration of our tools leverages KPIs ’s across all mine ops disciplines, allowing for a holistic view of your operation.
Using the example of a two-haul truck operation, our EM Tracker allows for custom definitions of said trucks, such as specific name/model, operators of those vehicles, and custom downtime/standby/delay reason codes. Other benefits include the ability to scale with no extra cost. Adding a third and fourth haul truck to the EM Tracker system is a simple data record entry (no fee per equipment unit). Because of this, Jump Analytics’ solutions take into account the misalignments and gaps in cost and ease of management that are usually strictly locked in with proprietary mining solutions.
When you implement additional Jump Analytics tools, you will see further benefits of integration. Our Exploration Drilling App (ExplorApp) tracks and collects your drill program activity, including drill meters, rig utilization, and hours, into a common database system shared by all of our tools. This means you can bring together in one picture a view of your operations across multiple disciplines.
The ability to customize, scale, integrate, and report from these Jump Analytics tools delivers the benefits and cost savings that larger, more rigid mining software tools simply don’t allow. Jump Analytics tools are built to suit your mine operational needs. Let’s get in touch and chat about your plans.